Successful network marketers don't use a names list or make cold calls to build their business. How successful can your business really be when your entire strategy is based upon approaching people who never asked to be approached? Not very! The real key to being successful with a home based internet business is to create multiple streams of income, rather than be tied to one opportunity. Build in several layers to your business through monetisation, affiliate marketing, and utilise good PR to establish yourself as an expert is what it is you are all about. This way you get a stable and predictable cash flow from customers who want to buy from you, whilst building up the residual income, which is what probably got you hooked on the MLM concept in the first place.
The infamous 35 page report from Ann Sieg has been called "the most controversial book in MLM." What I now understand is how cold calling opportunity leads and talking to friends and family no longer works (and is actually the biggest cause of failure)... you can easily have pre-sold prospects coming to you instead by building an effective marketing system - a funnel that pre-qualifies those that are both interested and serious.
This revelation is like Alice's journey through the Looking Glass!!! My road to discovery involved considerable learning, but all worth it. In fact, within only a few days, I learned more about internet marketing and talking to prospects than I'd learned in my almost four years of network marketing using a traditional approach that most of us are pulled into. Who else is sick of chasing down prospects and harassing relatives? Why does network marketing sound so good in theory...yet never seem to play out that way in practice except for a select few who say "don't worry, you'll make it, just hang in there! Once I found out why 97% of MLMers never make any real money, of course, I decided to stop wasting time on old school 'sharing' techniques.
So I'm writing this article to help you start looking out how to play by a different set of rules than everyone else. The best thing that ever happened to my business was when I stopped building it the way my upline was telling me to. Almost everything I'd been doing was actually self-sabotaging my success! Just wish I would have found out sooner. If there was just one thing I wish I'd learned when I first got started in network marketing it would have been this: I didn't need to chase down anyone to get them to join my business. After doing the whole "names list" thing and expensive bought phone leads, I finally discovered how to do InterNET Marketing and now have people come to me!
I've been running a successful business working from home for almost four years now. I've learned things the hard (and expensive!) way. So it's important before making a decision to understand what the essential ingredients are for picking the right opportunity.
Here are my 7 Secrets to a successful network marketing home based business:
Secret 1 # You need to pick the right industry --
It's important to research market trends so you choose an industry that is on the fast-moving crest of the wave, not behind it, one that is growing at incredible rates that indicates that there are people out there with a specific need for your product or service.
Did you know that the baby boomers control 60% of the world's economy? What do you think baby boomers are interested in right now and for the next decade or two?
Secret 2 # You need to work with products people want --
You need to pick the right products, that customers need and are going to absolutely love and want over and over - so they become regular and frequent customers and tell others about you.
Do you know what products produce the best satisfaction for customers - on an emotional level?
Secret 3 # You need an automated marketing system --
You need access to a top marketing system so you don't have to do all the hard work with your own mouth and own two feet and but can be in contact with hundreds more prospects than you could achieve with just your own personal efforts.
Do you know how to use Web tools to automate several aspects of your business so it can be working for you while you are away or asleep!
Secret 4 # Pick advertising methods and words that really work --
You need to learn how to exploit different forms of advertising and particularly the internet for spreading the word about your business and what you have to offer.
It's incredible to behold the power of the internet and social communication channels online these days. Just look at how news and funny video clips and jokes spread like wild fire across the world - it's called viral marketing and you need to know how to tap into it and use it effectively to bring people to your business.
Secret 5 # Access to training & support is critical --
Most of us running a home business have never been in business before - in fact the word 'business' might be too scary - you just want something part time, but you still need business acumen. You need an opportunity that doesn't leave you out in the cold once you've signed up. Access to regular, focused and step-by-step training - face to face, online, telephone, msn and must commit to setting aside time for your own development. This commitment will ensure you are constantly developing not only know-how but important personal disciplines and crucial skills of communication .
Did you know that successful entrepreneurs work harder on themselves than they do on their businesses? because they ARE the business.
Secret 6 # Time management is worth spending time on --
It's important to choose a business that has been structured in every way to help you get going on a part-time basis around your existing job or commitments.
Did you know there are four different types of demand on your time? It's important to understand that you need to spend your precious time only on activities that will be most productive for you achieving your goals. Your home business opportunity needs to teach you how to prioritise and deal with distractions appropriate to your circumstance - so you develop the focus and discipline you will need to be successful long term.
Secret 7 # Leadership will lead the way --
You need to be both a leader and a follower. While a home business can be just you, you can also encourage others to join you. As your team grows, the quality of leadership, more than any other single factor, determines the success or failure of an organization. You need support to develop the combination of skills, personality and ambition essential to leadership and thus to long term growth in your business.
Building yourself as the expert or 'consultant' takes time, so take a long term view. Start with a 'hub' of your interest, expertise or product line and build from there:
1. create your website and drive 'free' traffic through viral marketing such as ezines, PR, utube, banner exchanges, etc.
2. work through good educational marketing material that draw people to you - educational marketing.
3. make links with relevant affiliate programs and joint ventures to 'monetise' what you do online through integration marketing
4. find ways to develop good PR in print and media - attraction marketing
5. give excellent service and follow up to increase your lifetime customer value - satisfaction marketing.
By Jacqueline Allyson
For further information, please feel free to visit All success!
Jay Allyson
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