Building a profitable network marketing business does not happen overnight regardless of what anyone says. One of the reasons most network marketers fail is because they run out of money.
A funded proposal system takes care of this problem by providing the business owner with front end and back end profits while building a list of prospects to expose your network marketing opportunity too.
Listed below are the components of a funded proposal:
1) Lead Capture Page. On the lead capture page identify your markets needs make bullet points on why they need to listen to you for their solutions. Not everyone who visits your funded proposal will opt-in, so a way to monetize from your efforts is to slap some Google AdSense ads on to your lead capture page. Follow the link in the resource box to view my homepage to see.
Every time someone clicks on an ad in your funded proposal Google will pay you a percentage of what the advertiser agreed to pay for that click. It's not going to be a lot of money, but it is a way of monetizing what you are doing.
2) Product or Service. After a prospect opts-in to your funded proposal have them redirected to a sales page that will give them the opportunity to buy your product such as a CD or an ebook. You can give your prospect the product for free or you can charge them. This is a way of monetizing from the people who will never join your business.
3) Email Marketing. Once you have built a list of one prospect you will need to stay in constant contact with them so you can expose them to your network marketing opportunity. Most people need to see and advertising message at least seven times before they take action.
In your funded proposal system send your list a valuable entertaining email everyday that explains the problems of growing a business or whatever your niche is, and of course, have a link in the e-mail to your network marketing business. If done correctly you will have prospects ringing your phone off the hook wanting to join your business.
A funded proposal system makes a network marketers job infinitely more easier by profiting off of leads even if they never join your business. You then use this money to advertise and grow your list even bigger making you even more money and growing a long-term residual income.
To learn more about funded proposals and to get a free report follow the link in the resource box.
Shawn Charles is an active internet network marketer.
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