Sunday, April 26, 2009

How to Get More Repeat Customers and New Customers at the Same Time

Have you ever wondered how you can get your message across to large numbers of people for a small amount of expenditure? If the answer is yes you are among a great number of marketers. There are many free or low cost ways to do this that are highly effective. You have probably heard of many of them, press releases, articles, forums the list goes on and they are all effect ways to get your message in front of large numbers of people.

More and more marketing techniques that are talked about are online based and fewer mentioned are for off line marketing. It may be a surprise to you but some people do not like computers and stay as far away as possible, or do not use them all the time. This means that there are potential customers out there that you may be missing.

There may be a lot of people fighting for the attention of your customers, not only do you need to keep the attention of your current customers you also need to target as many of your potential customers as possible.

It is often recommended that you give something to your customers; this is usually a newsletter, eBook, a report or something else that can be downloaded or sent in an email. That is a proven way to grab the attention and can be used to build a massive list and that can hold the potential to having a huge income. But as I mentioned earlier what about people who are not interested in free reports, let's face it after you have filled your hard drive with all this free material, if you are like me, you then have to find time to delete it to free up space on your hard drive or have to find time to read it, or both. You may grab attention initially when you make that free offer but then you have to keep their attention.

It has been found that you have to make contact with a person up to seven times before they will become a customer. That is the difficult bit, finding enough information to keep the customers interested. The best way to do this is making your emails like a course. You will notice that a lot of the successful online marketers make the emails follow on from one another and finish one email telling you that you must not miss the next email because it contains vital information. This is great but if you are going to keep it going on after that initial sale to create a repeat customer it can be a little more difficult. Yet extremely important if you have a high value back end sale.

Many markets do not lend themselves to you sending all this information and I was struggling to do this, both finding the time and thinking up fresh information. The idea I came up with was from two sources firstly a gold member inner circle marketing group I am a member of and a company in a completely different field to me. This company sent out a mug to every new customer, all it had on it was the company name. This got me thinking about what we had been talking about in our marketing group. I sent out a mug with every order. But instead of just putting our name on it I put a sales message on it and a call to action. The result was different to what I expected; I got a 75% increase of customers coming back to us. But when I asked new customers where they heard of our company they said they saw it on a mug. People were taking the mugs to work and taking them to different places where they were seen by other people who then came to us as customers.

Since then we have tried a variety of different items with different sales messages. We tried key rings but these results were not as good as the mugs, I presume because we do not keep out keys on show, but when we used items that people would use in public like coaster, water bottles etc the results were similar. The point to remember is the message you put on the item. Do not fill it with fancy logo's use the space for a sort catch sales letter with a call to action. Call us now, email us now, visit our web site now. I am sure you get the message.

Remember when you are looking at how to market, there are many methods out there, and some very effective ones. But remember that marketing off line to existing customers can bring in more customers, as well as repeat customers. People usually associate with like minded people. These people are likely to be in your market.

When you send items out to customers do not forget to put a sales letter in with the item. You know it will get opened and make it relevant to the item. In the past I have sent out a sales letter with a mug in the shape of a place mat to put the mug on we even put a coffee stain on it saying we were having a cup of coffee when we thought we had to send you an important offer.

By Nic Castle

Nic Castle has been marketing on and off line for ten years. He practices new and revolutionary marketing methods. Two years ago he started a new company after starting to use personalized goods to market his business offline.
Over the years Nic has developed marketing systems that have emnabled him to build two successful businesses operating both online and offline as well ashelping other businesses develop marketing systems that work for them.
Nic can also be contacted directly by email at

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