Saturday, February 21, 2009

5 Easy Tips to Become a Rock Star in Your Niche

The Rock Stars that you and I are familiar with are selling out seats at the Super Bowl and hitting the top of the Music Charts with songs that make a young teenage girl scream & cry. Thanks to the Internet, we don't have to have crazy hair and a great voice to become a Rock Star. But if you want to truly suceed in your online business, you are going to need to elevate yourself to a level of "Celebrity-Status" that brands you as the authority in your niche.
Most importantly, when you become a Rock Star, your customers seize to become "clients," and now become "Raving Fans." That's a good thing! So, the question is, are you ready to become a Rock Star to your customers? Here are five things you can do right now to get started:

1. Stand out from the Competition- Forget the competition! When I first started my business I didn't even look at how many competitors I had out there. Maybe that was a business mistake, but I think if I had done that research I might not have entered this business. So while you don't want to ignore your competitors like I did, you do want to do something no one else is doing. Go outside your niche, and see what's working in other businesses. Be the first to do it in your market! A perfect example is creating your own Ustream tv show showing others your expertise. If no one else is doing this yet, then you are way ahead of the game.

2. Use your Personality- We all know that people buy from people they like. You need to put your best "YOU" forward and let your personality shine. Your clients want to get to know you and this is especially important if you never meet your clients face to face. No one can be you and even though there might be a lot of people out there teaching similar things no one will deliver the way you do. And do not worry about pleasing everybody, that is impossible.

3. Showcase your Expertise- If you're a Rock Star in your niche, you need to let your whole world see it! It's important to always showcase your expertise. Some great ways to do this are hosting your own teleseminars, writing articles, blogging, and creating your own business system. Don't take for granted the knowledge you already possess, others will find even the most basic facts and lessons extremely valuable. So make sure you declare your expertise and your inner Rock Star will start to shine.

4. Video will make you Famous!- If you're not using video yet, you will be amazed at the results. There is just something about the power of video! Whether it's streaming video like Ustream or pre-recorded video on a website. It's an opportunity for people to instantly connect with you online if you don't want to network all over town, (not to mention how much search engines love video). I have to admit something here: I have been behind the video camera for so long that it took me awhile to start making my own videos. But now that I have, you will see many more from me! I had to get over my perfectionism when it came to video. So don't try to get it perfect the first time, just be excited when your first video is online.

5. Always Continue Learning- You will never know everything in your field, so it's important to always continue the learning process. I'm always listening to instructional CDs, reading, and attending seminars. I have such a passion for what I'm doing, that I can't get enough of the information.

So remember you are a ROCK STAR in your niche whether it's interior design, bartending, or video production! Keep focusing on dominating your niche whatever it may be and success will follow.

By Jennifer Haubein

© 2008 Best Biz Website Solutions

Jennifer Haubein publishes "SiteNotes" a FREE bi-weekly ezine for small business owners who want a website that actually works. If you're ready to get insider tips website developers don't want you to know, and start making more money online, get your FREE tips now at

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