A great way to make some money from your websites is use Googles AdSense program. There are lots of great sites out there and blog's that are needlessly struggling to earn some good revenue each and every day from this easy to set up program. If you do it correctly you can earn hundreds of dollars a day from Google. The difference between the successful webmasters and you is they were not afraid to leverage expertise from those that have already done the hard yards experimenting for them.
One such master is Joel Comm, you may have heard of him, if you haven't you need to find out about him as soon as you can, he will make you money. He is on the New York times Best seller list and has lots of information site that will help you succeed.
Six of the best ways to improve your AdSense earnings.
1. Use the best performing ad formats.
The overall best ad format to use is the leader board (728 x 90) place it at the top of the page above the main text. This has prov-en time and time again to be a winner. Skyscrapers are not to shabby either and are best placed on the right hand side. It is the most natural place for the eye to wander, even lefties.
2. Blend your ads in.
Google's terms of use clearly states that you cannot hide your ads or trick your readers into clicking your ads but you can blend them into your page. You will want to use colors that blend into your site. A white page works best, you do not want a border as this just screams, hey I'm an ad. Look at Google's ads and copy their color scheme.You want it to look like it is actually part of the page.
best palette choice
Border # FFFFFF
title # OOOOFF
background # FFFFFF
text # OOOOOO
url # 008000
Place your advertisements above the fold, you want your readers eye to be drawn to them as soon as the page loads. This will most definitely improve your click through rate with Google ad sense immediately.
4. Text links
use text link ads only, they are prov-en winners and have a much higher click through rate than image ads. People will avoid image ads like the plague, just think what do you do when you visit a page.
5. Link to other sites and get one way back links.
Link to other high ranking sites that are relevant to your own content, this is very important. If your site is about monster trucks only link to quality sites about monster trucks. One way back links smoke, you can get these easily and for free. Just leave comments on other webmasters sites. Be sure to read their article and make a well constructed comment based on the content in front of you, no one likes a dirty spammer. I don't even think that spammers can even stomach themselves in the mirror.
6. Track performance.
This is vital to your success, track your ads by using the Google channel tool, this enables you to monitor the success of each individual ad and make small adjustments until you are onto a winner.
Google AdSense will place ads that are relevant to your websites content, and Google love blog's (hint) Google state that a website should present fresh unique quality content that gives the reader a great experience when they visit and information that they can use and is of benefit. So do not set up heaps of junk sites just to try add earn AdSense revenue, Google will burn you and place you on the cyberspace scrap heap.
Hot tip.
Sometimes all that is needed is a bit of fine tuning and tweaking, experiment a little and defiantly
Concentrate on presenting great content and you will be onto a winner, once you have succeeded, you can rinse and repeat your system. Good luck with your next AdSense project from Blog for Success.
This article has been written by Paul Leadbetter who is a online business coach and a successful online marketer in his own right. He is a published poet and author. You can read more from Paul Leadbetter's blog at http://www.blogforsuccess.net/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Leadbetter
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