Do you want to boost your revenue? Who doesn't? If you want to get a couple of steps closer to your financial freedom, you must strive to always increase your high ticket sales.
What are high ticket sales? High ticket sales consist of premium online coaching, consulting, and class packages tailored to the specific needs and desires of a more experienced or sophisticated client. Clients demanding high ticket items allow you to maximize revenues with fewer sales.
Picture in your mind your ideal clients. Some clients need basic information while some prospective clients require more detailed and advanced information. Here's what to do.
1. Determine the unique wants and desires of your prospective client.
Again, imagine your ideal client. What traits and characteristics does this client possess?
• Strong desire for financial freedom
• Well versed in the basics of the subject matter of your course
• Requires more advanced, sophisticated or detailed information
2. Develop services and solutions catering to the needs and desires of specialized clients
Clients demanding high ticket items possess unique appetites, wants, and desires. Typically, these people are better educated in the subject matter of your general course material, possess a higher degree of sophistication, and desire more advanced material.
They desire more informative product and service lines and are willing to pay a premium price for the services they desire.
3. Anticipate and correct problems before they occur
A good buying experience cements the relationship between you and your clients. Is there anything that impedes the fulfillment or delivery of information to your client? Identify those issues and correct them.
4. Optimize processes to deliver services and mine customer contact information
Outline each step of the process flow your client experiences from the first moment they hit your website until the last bit of course content is delivered. Streamline your process to deliver services in a timely manner.
Your client selected you because they found something in the content of your coursework that fulfilled a need. You have them here, now is your opportunity to really shine.
• Deliver the content to the client efficiently and consistently,
• Collect customer contact information for post-sale follow-up,
• Review service delivery processes and identify and eliminate waste and inefficiencies.
A positive experience ensures that your client will return to you the next time he or she requires services.
5. Provide superior customer service
Your clients deserve the best follow-on support you can provide. Let's face it, though, sometimes problems do occur. But, this can be a time to really shine and further cement your relationship with your client.
You promised to deliver a quality service/content to your client. In the event of a problem, do your best to make things right.
6. Personally follow up with high-ticket clients at regular intervals
Personally contact and follow up with your client. Survey your clients. Confirm client satisfaction and the performance of the item they purchased. This is also an opportunity to announce special offers or new course material.
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Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"
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