Remember the show "The West Wing?" There was one episode, "Take Out The Trash Day." Take out the trash day at the White House is when they dispose of all those news stories that nobody really cares about. If I'm not mistaken, it's either Thursday or Friday. But that's besides the point. As an Internet marketer, I too have to sometimes take out the trash. I don't do it on a weekly basis, but every couple of months or so, I go through the process. This article explains.
Like it or not, not everything we do when it comes to marketing and running our business is going to be successful and profitable. Even I have done things that have turned out to be real dogs. Whole projects have been scrapped because they didn't bring in the return that I expected. And that is the point of taking out the trash.
You can't run your business in a fog. You must constantly keep track of everything you do. If you are running an ad campaign, you have to make sure it is turning a profit. Naturally, you have to give it some time. That's the most difficult part of taking out the trash. See, you don't want to pull the plug on something prematurely. Not everything is going to turn a profit right from the start. Some things take time. But how much time? How long do you wait before that trash starts to stink up the house?
Unlike real trash, you can't smell the Internet trash rotting away. That's why so many people will hang onto something for months and months before finally giving up. I don't have that much patience. I know that a decent product should convert at a minimum of 1%. If I don't get at least one sale after 500 hops, I'm done. I don't need to be hit over the head to see that this thing isn't going to fly. My best products convert at crazy percentages. So when I put something out there and 1,000 people haven't bought, I know I made a turkey and throw it out with the next trash day.
I will usually go through my inventory once a month. If I feel I've given something more than enough time, I chuck it...with no remorse. You can't get attached to your creations, whether they be products, ads, articles or whatever. It's business, and only the top producers will survive.
I can't tell you how often you should clean house. That has to be a decision that you yourself make. But I can tell you this much...if you don't clean it WILL start to stink.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
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