Friday, June 13, 2008

8 Low-Cost Advertising Ideas

Despite what you may have heard, advertising doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. In this article, I'm going to give you eight low-cost advertising ideas. These ideas can be used for both online and offline businesses.

1. Article Marketing is far and away my favorite method of promoting my business. If you write articles and allow them to be freely published, your articles become viral, meaning your articles can actually spread like a virus and have the potential to be viewed by hundreds of thousands of Internet users.

2. Targeted ezine advertising is one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business. For example, you can purchase an ad in DEMC for around $50 and reach 36,000 people. For a list of suitable ezines to advertise in, visit

3. If done properly, Google AdWords is still a very cost-effective way to advertise your business, despite rising pay-per-click costs.

4. Advertise in local neighborhood newspapers. In some areas they're called "Pennysavers," and in other areas they're simply known as "shoppers." Whatever they're called, you can place your ad in front of thousands of eyeballs for as little as $10 a week.

5. Buy television ads on local cable TV. Cable tv ads are cheaper than you might think, and you can target your ads to run in specific parts of your city. Check with you local cable company for more information.

6. Advertise on high-traffic websites. There are many websites that will allow you to advertise your products and services on their websites very inexpensively. Visit for more information.

7. Advertising in a local direct mail package like Valpak can also be very cost-effective. And since you'll be sharing an envelope with other local businesses, you'll pay a fraction of what it might cost otherwise. For more information visit

8. Participating in online forums is an excellent way to get the word out about your business - and it's free. To find a forum related to your particular business, just go to your favorite search engine and type in the kind of forum you're looking for. For example, if you sell dolls, you would type in "doll forums." And if you sell real estate, you would simply type in "real estate forums."

By Dale King

Dale King is the owner of - The Ultimate Marketing Website!

If you're tired of all the money-making hype, lies and


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